Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

Canine Exposure Surgery NYC

Impacted Canine Surgery

When we’re children, our teeth grow in by emerging or erupting from the gumline. As we grow older, we lose our baby teeth, making room for permanent adult teeth. When teeth struggle to emerge fully from the gumline or become trapped within the gum tissue, they are referred to as impacted teeth. Wisdom teeth, the rear-most molars referred to as the third set, frequently become impacted. However, canine teeth are also susceptible to impaction. To address impacted canines, we offer impacted canine surgery in NYC at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

What Is Canine Exposure?

Canine teeth is the term given to the 2 maxillary cuspids and 2 mandibular cuspids. The 2 maxillary cuspids are the teeth on either side of your upper jaw that are pointed or shaped like those of a canine. The 2 mandibular cuspids are the same teeth but of the lower jaw. Human canine teeth are not as pointed, long, or pronounced as the canines that the name is borrowed from, but they are in a similar position of our mouths and are typically longer than our other teeth. When the canines become impacted, patients may experience irritation or inflammation of the gums, bad breath, tooth decay, misalignment, and overall discomfort. During the canine exposure procedure, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team will utilize advanced oral surgery techniques to allow impacted canines to break through the surface of the skin.

How Does Canine Exposure Work?

Dr. Datson can work in conjunction with your orthodontist to provide the most beneficial results. Each canine exposure procedure is customized to meet the needs of the individual patient, allowing for personalized care and the most optimal results. In many cases, the procedure simply creates adequate space within the gumline to facilitate the natural eruption of the impacted tooth.

However, if the impacted tooth still does not break through the gumline, a more extensive procedure may be necessary. This procedure involves lifting the gum covering the impacted tooth to reveal the canine. Through this canine exposure process, braces or wires may be employed to guide the impacted canine into its correct alignment. This is known as the chain and bracket procedure. Before undergoing canine exposure surgery, Dr. Datson and his team will assess your unique situation and recommend the most suitable tooth exposure approach for your case.

Impacted Canine Surgery NYC

What Are The Benefits
Of Canine Exposure?

By exposing impacted canine teeth, the teeth can naturally move into their correct position, leading to improved dental alignment. When canines are impacted, patients may experience difficulty eating. Typically, when you bite down, your canine teeth are the first teeth to make contact with the lower arch. Exposing impacted canine teeth can decrease wear on the surrounding teeth and prevent against damage.

When teeth are impacted, they can also cause patients to experience red, swollen, or bleeding gums, difficulty opening the mouth, and difficulty chewing and biting. By exposing the canines, patients achieve relief from these symptoms. Properly positioned canines can allow patients to enjoy restored function to the teeth.

Not only can impacted canines lead to pain, discomfort, and decreased tooth function, but they can lead to more serious complications as well. Impacted canines are at risk of becoming infected, which can spread to the surrounding teeth and even other parts of the body in some cases. Additionally, impacted canines can lead to gum disease, shifting teeth, cysts, and more. Canine exposure in NYC allows the canines to break through the gumline, preventing more serious complications from arising.


Who Is The Ideal Candidate
For Canine Exposure?

The ideal candidate for canine exposure in NYC are individuals with impacted canine teeth. Impacted canines occur when the canines fail to erupt properly and become trapped beneath the gumline. If you experience symptoms such as pain, discomfort, or difficulty chewing due to the impacted teeth, canine exposure may be right for you. Additionally, individuals who have received orthodontic treatment and require assistance in guiding the impacted canines into their proper positions may also benefit from canine exposure surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team will help determine if you are an ideal candidate for canine exposure in NYC.


What Should I Expect
During Canine Exposure?

The specifics of your canine exposure procedure in NYC will vary based on how impacted the tooth is. In some cases, the position of the impacted tooth can make the procedure increasingly difficult. In simple cases, Dr. Daston will make a small incision in the gumline to allow the tooth to come through. In many cases, creating this space is enough to force the canine through the gum.

In more extensive cases, a longer, more complex procedure may be deemed necessary. During this procedure, the gum will be lifted and pulled back to expose the impacted canine. Then, brackets or wires may be utilized to lead the tooth out of the gumline and into its proper position. The procedure length will vary by patient. After evaluating your scans, Dr. Datson will determine which method of canine exposure is right for you.

Impacted Canine Surgery New York

What Should I Expect After
Canine Exposure In NYC?

After undergoing canine exposure surgery in NYC, patients may experience mild bleeding, bruising, and swelling. However, these symptoms are normal and should subside as the treatment area continues to heal. Before sending you home, Dr. Daston and his oral surgery team will provide detailed aftercare instructions. It is important that patients follow these directions with care to minimize their recovery period and maximize their results. It is recommended that patients avoid strenuous activity and take time to rest. If you have any questions throughout your recovery, we encourage you to call our office. Our friendly staff is on hand to answer any questions you may have during this time.

Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Canine Exposure In NYC?

Dr. Datson and our staff would be happy to discuss canine exposure in NYC with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC