Canine Exposure
Canine exposure surgery is a specialized dental procedure designed to address impacted canine teeth, where the canines fail to erupt properly and become trapped beneath the gumline. Canine teeth that fail to develop into the dental arch easily are typically a result of overcrowding, baby teeth that didn’t properly emerge, or abnormal growth. Canine exposure surgery uncovers the impacted canines, allowing them to emerge into their correct positions within the dental arch. If impacted canines are left untreated, they can cause infection and affect the growth of surrounding teeth. In some cases, impacted canines can spread infection to other parts of the body and cause serious complications like gum disease. Patients with impacted canines can have trouble speaking, eating, and opening their mouth and can experience gum issues such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums.
Each canine exposure procedure is customized to meet the needs of the individual patient, allowing for personalized care and the most optimal results. Undergoing canine exposure surgery allows proper tooth function, alleviates any pain or discomfort, and reduces patients risk of complications. During the canine exposure procedure, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team in New York City will utilize advanced oral surgery techniques to allow impacted canines to break through the surface of the skin. Patients can schedule a consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center to determine which method of canine exposure works best for them. Click the button below to learn more about canine exposure in NYC.