Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

Surgical Orthodontics New York City

Surgical Orthodontics

Orthodontic surgery may be required before orthodontic treatments, like braces, in cases where there is severe tooth misalignment in the jaw that cannot be corrected through orthodontics alone. Orthodontic surgery in NYC is performed by our oral surgeon to help aid in straightening the smile.

While orthodontic treatments restore the bite and straighten the smile, sometimes patients may require oral surgery intervention. If the smile is overcrowded, a tooth may need to be removed before braces can be placed. In some cases, your orthodontist may recommend wisdom teeth be removed before undergoing orthodontic treatments to prevent teeth shifting following the removal of braces or aligners. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery, we can also perform canine exposure to bring an impacted canine tooth into place before braces can be placed.

Orthodontic surgery is typically recommended for individuals with significant tooth alignment issues that cannot be fully corrected through orthodontic appliances alone. Following oral surgery, orthodontic treatment with braces or other appliances can ensure proper tooth alignment and bite for optimal function and aesthetics. Through detailed planning involving dental models, X-rays, and computer simulations, our surgical team determines the optimal approach to address the patient's specific needs. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we work closely with your orthodontist to address each individual’s needs and concerns. Orthodontic surgery lays the groundwork for successful orthodontic treatment outcomes, helping ensure proper tooth alignment, bite function, and facial harmony.


Orthodontic Surgery New York City

Canine Exposure

Canine exposure surgery is a specialized dental procedure designed to address impacted canine teeth, where the canines fail to erupt properly and become trapped beneath the gumline. The surgery aims to uncover the impacted canines, allowing them to emerge into their correct positions within the dental arch. Each canine exposure procedure is customized to meet the needs of the individual patient, allowing for personalized care and the most optimal results. During the canine exposure procedure, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team will utilize advanced oral surgery techniques to allow impacted canines to break through the surface of the skin. Click the button below to learn more about canine exposure in NYC.


Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Orthodontic Surgery in NYC?

Dr. Datson and our oral surgery staff would be happy to discuss orthodontic surgery in NYC with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC