Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

Tooth Removal New York City

Tooth Extraction & Wisdom Tooth Removal

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure involving the removal of a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we offer tooth removal in NYC to help patients alleviate discomfort caused by broken, decayed, or damaged teeth, as well as the emergence of wisdom teeth.

Tooth removal is only performed when completely necessary to benefit one’s oral health. In cases of overcrowding, tooth removal may be recommended to help maintain the alignment of the teeth, preventing issues like overcrowding and difficult to maintain oral hygiene. Tooth extraction may be needed to correct overcrowding, impacted wisdom teeth, or to place dental restorations, such as dental implants. Our New York City oral surgeon will discuss the best treatment plan following tooth extraction to ensure you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. The extraction process is usually performed under local or general anesthesia to minimize discomfort, although sedation options may be available for anxious patients. Following the tooth extraction, patients are advised on post-operative care to promote healing and prevent complications such as infection.

Our oral surgeon uses specialized instruments to gently loosen the tooth before carefully extracting it from the socket. While tooth extraction can remove damaged or decayed teeth, it is recommended that patients replace any removed teeth with dental implants to maintain the jawbone density and health of the smile. Our NYC oral surgeon will discuss the best methods of restoration following teeth extraction at our New York City office.


Wisdom Tooth Removal NYC

Tooth Extraction

While saving as many teeth as possible is always our goal at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, it isn’t always possible. Sometimes, the removal of a tooth can improve overall oral health and alleviate a wide range of issues for patients. A tooth may need to be removed for various reasons, each related to preserving overall oral health and preventing potential complications. One common reason is severe decay. When a tooth is extensively decayed and cannot be salvaged through procedures like fillings or crowns, extraction becomes necessary to prevent the spread of decay to surrounding teeth and tissues. Similarly, advanced gum disease can lead to the weakening of tooth-supporting structures, requiring extraction to maintain oral health. Click the button below to learn more about tooth extraction in NYC.


Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal, otherwise known as third molar extraction, is a surgical procedure performed to remove one or more wisdom teeth located at the back of the mouth. These teeth often erupt improperly due to lack of space in the jaw, leading to various complications. Wisdom tooth removal offers several benefits for oral health. It prevents against impaction, which can cause pain, infection, and damage to adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues. By removing impacted wisdom teeth, the risk of cysts, tumors, and gum disease is minimized. Additionally, wisdom tooth removal can alleviate overcrowding in the mouth, reducing the likelihood of orthodontic problems and facilitating proper dental alignment. Click the button below to learn more about wisdom tooth removal in NYC.


Wisdom Tooth Removal New York

Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Tooth Removal?

Dr. Datson and our oral surgery staff would be happy to discuss tooth removal in NYC with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC