Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

Wisdom Tooth Extraction New York City

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we offer wisdom tooth removal in NYC. Wisdom tooth removal can surgically remove one of more wisdom teeth, however patients typically opt to remove all 4 wisdom teeth at once. Wisdom teeth are not necessary in supporting oral health. In fact, once they begin to grow in, they can cause many complications. Wisdom teeth that have begun to break through the gumline can cause tooth pain and many other uncomfortable symptoms.

What Is Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Wisdom teeth are the final teeth in the mouth to emerge. Usually this occurs during the late teenage years or the early 20s, hence where they get the name of “wisdom” teeth. Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars at the back of the mouth. When wisdom teeth emerge, they can often cause a wide variety or oral complications, such as overcrowding, shifting teeth, infections, nerve damage, and more. In some cases, patients can experience these symptoms even before the teeth have begun to grow in through the gumline. By removing wisdom teeth, patients can avoid all of these complications and maintain good overall oral health.

Wisdom Teeth Removal In NYC

How Does Wisdom Tooth
Removal Work?

Wisdom tooth removal can be performed before the wisdom teeth begin to emerge or if they become impacted. Once wisdom teeth begin to break through the skin, they can begin to cause a wide variety of complications that can affect the way a patients’ teeth look and function. By removing the teeth early, Dr. Datson can help patients resolve issues, such as crowding and misalignment, and avoid more serious problems from surfacing, such as infection, decay, and nerve damage.

Using specialized dental instruments, our oral surgery team will carefully loosen the wisdom tooth from its socket in the jawbone. If the tooth is impacted (unable to fully emerge through the gum) or positioned in a way that makes extraction challenging, they may need to make a small incision in the gum tissue or section the tooth into smaller pieces for easier removal. Overall, wisdom tooth removal is a routine procedure aimed at preventing potential dental issues, ultimately promoting better oral health and comfort.

What Are The Benefits Of
Wisdom Tooth Removal?

By choosing to remove wisdom teeth before they surface, patients can avoid overcrowding and shifting of the surrounding teeth. The average human mouth can only accommodate 28 teeth, with the addition of 4 wisdom teeth often leading to crowding and eruption issues that can worsen over time. Once teeth have shifted, the only way to realign them would be orthodontic treatment. Wisdom tooth removal can help maintain current tooth alignment by removing the wisdom teeth before they emerge.

The removal of wisdom teeth can also prevent damage to the surrounding teeth. When the wisdom teeth begin to come in and shift around the existing teeth, they can be increasingly hard to clean, leading to an overgrowth of bacteria that can lead to decay. Also, the tooth enamel can begin to grind, exposing nearby teeth to cavities and bone loss.

Wisdom tooth removal can help alleviate pain and discomfort caused by teeth that are pushing their way through the surface. Relieving pressure, reducing gum sensitivity, and easing tooth pain can help patients achieve improved comfort. Oftentimes, patients experience debilitating headaches as a result of their wisdom teeth coming in. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we offer wisdom tooth removal to help patients relieve these symptoms and more.


What Are Impacted
Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth are teeth that have become trapped under the gumline. While wisdom teeth can cause damage when they emerge, impacted wisdom teeth can cause more serious complications, such as nerve and jaw damage. The different types of wisdom tooth impactions include vertical impaction, partial impaction, horizontal impaction, soft tissue impaction, bony impaction, mesial impaction, and distal impaction. Diagnosing and removing impacted wisdom teeth in a timely manner can help prevent these complications from arising.

Caused when the tooth is too close to the neighboring tooth & becomes stuck beside the adjacent tooth.
Tooth begins to emerge but runs into the adjacent tooth with a flap of gum tissue over the wisdom tooth.
Occurs when the wisdom tooth is horizontally trapped under the gumline.
Caused by the tooth only partially emerging from the jawbone & becoming stuck under the gum.
Occurs when the tooth is fully concealed within the jawbone.
Results in a tooth that is improperly angled while erupting & causes pain to the neighboring tooth.
Occurs when the tooth is positioned away from your other teeth & is moving toward the back of your mouth.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate
For Wisdom Tooth Removal?

The ideal candidate for wisdom tooth removal is looking to alleviate or prevent pain, discomfort, and complications that may be caused by the emergence of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth that have not emerged yet can still be removed as a preventative measure. Wisdom teeth also become more difficult to remove when you are older and often have longer healing times. During your consultation for wisdom tooth removal in NYC, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team will help determine if you are an ideal candidate.

What Should I Expect
During Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Wisdom tooth removal is performed in our state-of-the-art oral surgery office in NYC. With the recent advancements in oral surgery technology, wisdom tooth removal has become less invasive and offers shorter recovery times. The duration of the wisdom tooth removal surgery will depend on the specific patient and whether their wisdom teeth are impacted. Wisdom teeth are removed with the utmost precision at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

The wisdom tooth removal procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. If the wisdom teeth are impacted the procedure may entail a small incision along the gumline. This incision allows Dr. Datson to access the impacted teeth with ease and offer the most optimal outcome. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we specialize in wisdom tooth removal procedures.

NYC Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom Tooth Removal New York City

What Should I Expect After
Wisdom Tooth Removal In NYC?

Following wisdom tooth removal in NYC, patients should take time to rest and recover. If general anesthesia was administered, patients can expect to spend a short period of time in a recovery room while the anesthesia leaves their system. It is suggested that patients avoid brushing their teeth for the first 24 hours following their surgery, as this can irritate the surgical sites. Patients may need to return to the office to have any sutures removed. Before sending you home, our oral surgery team will provide detailed recovery instructions. If patients have any questions or concerns, they are encouraged to call our office. Our friendly staff is on hand to help during this time.

Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Wisdom Tooth Removal In NYC?

Dr. Datson and our staff would be happy to discuss wisdom tooth removal in NYC with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC