Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

New York Permanent Dentures

Permanent Dentures

Implant supported dentures in NYC offer a permanent solution to missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, which are prone to slipping or dislodging when eating, talking, or smiling, implant supported dentures offer a study foundation for a beautiful smile using advanced dental implant technology. Your implant supported dentures are permanent, allowing for increased stability. At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we provide implant supported dentures for patients seeking a durable alternative to traditional dentures.

What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

Implant supported dentures are similar to traditional dentures, however they are permanent. Traditional dentures simply sit on top of the gums, requiring glues and pastes to keep them in place. Implant supported dentures are secured with dental implants. Dental implants are titanium screws that are positioned in the jawbone. Patients who opt for implant supported dentures can not only enjoy enhanced function of the teeth, but an enhanced smile as well. Implant supported dentures are a natural-looking and long-lasting solution to missing teeth on the upper or lower jaw.


How Do Implant
Supported Dentures Work?

Implant supported dentures utilize dental implants to create a strong foundation for restored teeth. Dental implants fuse with the jawbone, acting as the root of a natural tooth. By filling the gap where a tooth has been lost, patients who opt for implant supported dentures are at a less risk for jawbone density loss, unlike patients who have traditional dentures. When jawbone density loss occurs, the mouth can become misshapen, the surrounding teeth can begin to loosen, and patients can have trouble talking, chewing, or smiling.

Once the implants have fused with the natural jawbone in a process called osseointegration, impressions will be taken, and patients can be fitted for their dental prosthetic. Implant supported dentures are designed to look, feel, and function like real teeth.

What Are The Benefits Of
Implant Supported Dentures?

Implant supported dentures are far more sturdy than traditional dentures. While missing teeth can be embarrassing, there’s nothing more embarrassing than slipping dentures. Patients choose to undergo implant supported dentures can feel more secure when talking, eating, and smiling, knowing there is no risk of their implant supported dentures dislodging. In fact, many patients who have dentures eventually switch to implant supported dentures in search of more durability.

Implant supported dentures maintain jawbone density. When teeth are lost and not replaced the jawbone begins to weaken. Over time, the body begins to reabsorb this jawbone, leaving patients with a misshapen face, difficulty eating, and worsening overall oral health. Implant supported dentures undergo osseointegration, a process in which the natural jawbone fuses with the implant. Dental implants mimic the root of the tooth, providing optimal results.

Because implant supported dentures replicate the natural tooth structure, they look and feel very similar to real teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, the dental prosthetic used for implant supported dentures leaves the roof of the mouth exposed, preventing against difficulty speaking, soreness, and irritation. This allows the prosthetic to be more comfortable, as well as allows patients to better taste their food. Additionally, implant supported dentures don’t require adhesives.


Who Is The Ideal Candidate For
Implant Supported Dentures?

The ideal candidate for same day dental implants in NYC is someone who needs a tooth removed and has sufficient jawbone density to place an immediate implant. Same day dental implants are ideal for restoring teeth to the front of the mouth because of how quickly they can restore tooth appearance and function. Other cases in which same day dental implants are often suggested is when a patient has lost all of their teeth. During your consultation for same day dental implants in NYC, our oral surgery team will evaluate your imaging and medical history to determine if you are an idea candidate.

How Do Implant Supported Dentures
Compare to Traditional Dentures?

When compared to traditional dentures, implant supported dentures are far more durable and offer much longer-lasting results. Traditionally, dentures just sit on top of the gumlines, requiring adhesives and often leading to jawbone density loss. However, implant supported dentures are permanent and do not require any special maintenance. Implant supported dentures are natural-looking and more comfortable than traditional dentures, since the prosthetic allows for more room at the roof of the mouth.


What Should I Expect During
Implant Supported Denture Surgery?

The details of the procedure will vary depending on the individual patient. The implant supported denture procedure is performed under anesthesia to ensure patients remain comfortable. Any damaged, broken, or decayed teeth are removed to make room for the implants. The number of implants placed will depend on a variety of factors, including bone density and extent of tooth loss. Then, the implants will be placed in the jaw. These implants are made of titanium to stand the test of time.

Once the implants are placed, patients will return home until osseointegrations occurs. Osseointegration occurs when the jawbone fuses with the implants. This process can take anywhere from 3-5 months. Once this occurs, patients can be fitted for their permanent prosthetic. It is important to keep in mind that procedure and recovery times will vary for each patient.

What Should I Expect After
Implant Supported Denture Surgery In NYC?

Patients may experience some swelling or discomfort, however these symptoms will subside as your implants continue to heal. Before sending you home, our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions. Patients should follow these instructions to minimize their recovery and maximize their results. It is recommended that patients take time to relax and recover. If you have any questions throughout your recovery, we encourage you to give our office a call. Our friendly staff is on hand to answer any questions you may have during this time.

Permanent Dentures NYC

Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Implant Supported Dentures?

Dr. Datson and our staff would be happy to discuss implant supported dentures with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC