How Does A BMP INFUSE® Bone Graft Work?
Although there are several methods of dental bone grafting, BMP INFUSE® is one of the most common and can be combined with PRP to provide the most optimal results. A BMP INFUSE® bone graft is comprised of two active ingredients that can stimulate the production of new, healthy bone, the protein itself and the collagen sponge. The protein used during the BMP INFUSE® bone graft is comprised of rhBMP-2, which is a synthesized version of a natural protein found in the body. This protein is known to help regulate bone growth and promote healing. Aside from the field of oral surgery, BMP bone graft technology is also utilized to help treat arthritis, as well as other degenerative diseases.
By placing a collagen sponge in the areas of lost bone density, the morphogenetic protein will slowly be released over time, acting as a mold for the new bone to grow against. Eventually, the collagen sponge will be broken down by the body, leaving healthy bone density in its place. BMP INFUSE® can deliver precise and natural results, so patients can grow a strong foundation for the placement of dental implants in the future.