Madison Avenue Oral Surgery &
Implant Center

Dental Bone Grafting New York City

Dental Bone Grafting

At Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center, we offer a variety of dental bone grafting techniques to fit the needs of each individual patient. During your consultation, Dr. Datson and his oral surgery team will help determine which type of dental bone graft is best for you. The bone grafting procedure is highly customizable to meet the needs of every patient.

Dental bone grafting is a common procedure performed to augment the bone density in the jaw. It is often necessary when there is insufficient bone mass to support dental implants or other restorative treatments. Common causes for jawbone density loss include tooth loss, periodontal disease, trauma, infection, and dentures. During the procedure, bone graft material is placed in the deficient area, stimulating new bone growth and providing a stable foundation for dental implants. Over time, the bone graft material stimulates the body's natural healing process, allowing new bone to grow and integrate with the existing bone. Dental bone grafting not only enhances the stability and longevity of dental implants, but also helps preserve the natural contours of the jaw and facial structure.

With today’s techniques and technologies more patients can experience the benefits of dental bone grafting for smile restoration. Dental bone grafting in NYC helps restore functionality and aesthetics to the patient's smile, ensuring long-term success in dental restoration. Regular follow-up appointments with our oral surgeon are essential to monitor healing progress and ensure the long-term success of the graft.


PRP Bone Grafting

PRP bone grafting combines traditional bone grafting techniques with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to achieve optimal results. Patients considering dental implant surgery may require bone grafting if they lack sufficient jawbone density to support the implants. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a naturally occurring substance in the body known for its healing and growth promotion properties, is utilized during the bone grafting procedure. By incorporating PRP, the healing process is accelerated, and bone development is stimulated. Click the button below to learn more about PRP bone grafting in NYC.


Jawbone Grafting New York City
Dental Bone Grafting New York

Sinus Lift

During sinus lift surgery in NYC, advanced dental bone grafting techniques are utilized to ready the upper jaw for dental implants. In certain cases, when the maxillary sinuses are too close to the upper jaw, it prevents the placement of dental implants. Dr. Datson addresses this issue by repositioning the sinus, thereby creating adequate space to establish a sturdy base for dental restoration. This procedure effectively addresses bone density loss in the upper jaw and is among the most frequently performed bone grafting surgeries today. Click the button below to learn more about sinus lift surgery in NYC.


BMP INFUSE® Bone Graft

Optimal bone density is crucial for the placement and long-term success of dental implants. The BMP INFUSE® bone graft utilizes bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) to trigger bone growth in the jaw. This innovative technique can offer transformative bone regeneration outcomes without the need for an additional procedure to harvest bone. Inadequate bone density may disqualify patients from being suitable candidates for dental implants. Today’s jawbone grafting techniques make it possible for patients with low jawbone density to be candidates for dental implants. Click the button below to learn more about BMP INFUSE® bone graft in NYC.


Jawbone Graft New York City
Dental Bone Graft NYC

Ridge Augmentation

The alveolar ridge, a bony framework supporting tooth sockets within the jaw, undergoes changes when teeth are lost or extracted. If left to heal naturally, the result is often a decline in jawbone density and ridge width and height. In NYC, ridge augmentation offers an advanced dental bone grafting method designed to redefine and reinforce the jawbone. Ridge augmentation is sought after for it’s ability to replace jawbone density, restoring the original dimensions of the alveolar ridge to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic outcomes. By undergoing ridge augmentation, patients previously deemed ineligible for dental implants can now become candidates. Click the button below to learn more about ridge augmentation in NYC.


Our Patients…Speaking Out.

How Do I Get Started With Jawbone Grafting In NYC?

Dr. Datson and our oral surgery team would be happy to discuss bone grafting in NYC with you. Please call 212.660.0305 or schedule an appointment online to arrange for a private consultation at Madison Avenue Oral Surgery & Implant Center.

Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center NYC